Friday, March 30, 2007

put this in your pot and stew it: The Fifty Dollar and Up Underground House Book

i continue to daydream about settlin down to do a permaculture homestead, and so as my mind wanders from here to there during the odd hours of the day, most of the time without its feet touching the ground, this book jumped in my path again:

"The Fifty Dollar and Up Underground House Book"

The people here were shootin' the shit like fish in a barrel when they started talking about the vapor barrier that brings the cost of these houses down so amazingly low: you get sheet carpet and put it over cheap ass plastic, which goes directly on the subsoil that you've carved out with a shovel. You can get second hand sheat carpet and cheap ass plastic for free, and if you were to timber frame your roof... so cheap! The mustiness factor is what's held me back from saying "yeah, I could live in that shanty with dignity and invite someone over for dinner and a fuck", and with that design gap so elegantly filled there's no stoppin' the train.

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